Welcome to Westside! This email may be a bit long, but contains everything you need to know to get started with district technology and services. District Intranet The district Intranet is a shared Google file that houses important documents that…

Category: Newsletter (page 4)
Technology Update #59
In this Issue We survived 2020! Welcome to the first Technology Update of 2021! In this issue, we’ll take a look at some of the software updates you might have missed at the end of last semester, and then spend…
Technology Update #58
In this issue: Welcome to Issue #58! In this issue we review new features of Webex as well as best practices for being in meetings. We’ll also take a look at new tools to create graphics and new Google Classroom…
Technology Update #57
In this Issue In this issue, we take a look at what’s new with Webex and review the NEW and more STREAMLINED way to contact tech support. We end with a new feature – “Tech Refresh Corner” where we talk…
Technology Update #56
In this Issue In this issue, we take a look at new Webex features, tips & tricks, and district policies associated with video chats. We’ll then check out some troubleshooting steps for Youtube and end with a look at the…
Technology Update #55 – Welcome Back 2020
In this Issue Welcome Back to School! 2020 promises to be an interesting year, but let’s make the most of it! Take a look at some of the ‘key tips and tricks’ to help get your year off to a…
Technology Update #54: New Staff Essentials 2020
New Staff Tech Essentials Welcome to Westside! This email may be a bit long, but contains everything you need to know to get started with district technology and services. The first portion applies to ALL new staff members. The second…
Technology Update #53
In this Issue Welcome to December! This will be the last issue of 2019. I hope everyone has had a great fall semester. This issue is full of great tips and tricks ranging from virtual field trip grants, to app…
Technology Update #52
In this Issue Welcome to technology.update #52! In this issue we are going to take a look at a new, faster way to create Google Docs and explore the many NEW features and productivity enhancements to iPadOS13! But first, we…
Technology Update #51
In this Issue Welcome to Issue #51. In this update, we’ll take look at software updates for Mac and iPad, talk about the new, district managed AppleID’s, and then highlight some of the great updates that apps received over the…