Sign in With Google Allowed Services

In order to protect staff and student data, Westside is restricting the apps and services that users can use the ‘Sign in with Google’ or ‘Sign in with Microsoft’ button on. You can read more about this change here.

The document below is an up-to-date list of the sites and services that have been approved to use ‘Sign in with Google’ or ‘Sign in with Microsoft’.

If there is an app or services that you would like to use ‘Sign in with Google’ or ‘Sign in with Microsoft’ on that is not listed, please complete the app request form.

Please note, just because an app/service is listed below does NOT mean that it is endorsed, recommended or supported by Westside Technology. Nor does it necessarily indicate that the services is paid for by the district. Inclusion in the list indicates that users are able to use their Westside Google Accounts to sign in.

(You will need to be signed into your browser with your Westside Google account in order to see the list).