Technology Update #33

In this Issue In this next to last issue of the Westside Technology.Update newsletter we go over a number of important new changes to technology. We start out with an iPad app that elementary teachers might not be familiar with…

Technology Update #27

In this Issue Welcome to issue 27! One piece of technology feedback we often get is that people want examples from their peers on how technology can be used in their classroom. This issue is chock-full of examples, and I’ll…

Technology Update #26

In this Issue Welcome to issue 26 of the Westside.Technology Update newsletter! In this issue we discuss creating video to flip your classroom, learn about how to secure your Westside Google Account, discover a new resource deployed to elementary buildings…

Technology Update #25

In this Issue Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great winter break! In this issue of the Westside Technology.Update, we’re focusing on the Mac. Read on to hear about Ozobots, learn what happened to the Self-Service icon, and discover…

Technology Update #24

In this Issue Welcome to the last issue of 2017! Isn’t it amazing how time flies? This last issue of the semester is a bit longer than normal, but jam packed with great information. In it, we discuss highlights of…