Technology Newsletters

Once a month the technology integration team publishes the Westside Technology.Update! In these email newsletters, you’ll find helpful tips and tricks on how to use your iPad and Mac more efficiently and effectively in your classroom! Check out the link…

Reflections from NETA 2019

2019 NETA Reflections This year, 35 Westside teachers and administrators joined over 2,000 others at the 2019 NETA conference. This year also marks my last on the NETA board. At the spring conference, I finished out my term as Past-President…

The Dual Mandate of Technology

By Matt Lee, Ph.D. and Paul Lindgren, Ph.D. Note: This article first appeared in the November issue of the NETA Newsletter. Stay with me here… Ask any communications expert and they’ll most likely tell you that writing an article to…

Reflections from NETA 2018

NETA 2018 Reflections On April 20 & 21st, 30 Westside Teachers were able to attend NETA, the Nebraska Education Technology association. This year was important to me-it was the year I served as President of NETA. Last year as conference…