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We publish our newsletter monthly with tips, tricks and technology updates. Click the link below to browse through the archive.

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Westside teachers earn Apple and Google certifications!

Apple Teachers are recognized for their understanding of how to use Apple products for teaching and learning. They have proven knowledge of using iPad, Mac, and built-in apps to enhance productivity and inspire creativity in their classrooms and beyond.

Google Certified Level 1 Educators are those that have learned the fundamentals of using Google tools in the classroom. Level 1 validates standard technology implementation skills.

Learn more here!


Announcing Teachers in Technology! Westside’s technology professional learning program for teachers, by teachers.

Teachers in technology, or TNT for short, is a teacher facilitated program that works to improve how staff use technology in their classroom. Launching in the Spring of 2022, the first cohort of teachers will participate in the program in fall, 2022.

For more information, including how to apply to be a team member or in the cohort, click the link below.

TNT Information.

Technology Update #81

By Matt Lee | November 29, 2023
We look at several critical issues in this issue and then end with a couple of new resources and features! Look below to learn more about how your device will help keep you up-to-date on security patches, learn more about…

Technology.Update #80

By Matt Lee | October 31, 2023
In this Issue It’s the end of October and there is a chill in the air. Here’s a short, spooky update on the new features available in iPadOS 17.2 and macOS Sonoma. We encourage all staff to update their devices!…

Digital Citizenship Week October 16-20!

By Bridget Brown | October 17, 2023
It’s Digital Citizenship Week, and now is the perfect time to equip your students with the right skills to navigate digital spaces in a safe, productive, and healthy way! Digital Citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone…

Schedule a Meeting with Webex

By Matt Lee | October 9, 2023
Looking to schedule a virtual meeting? Webex has you covered! There are multiple ways to schedule and invite both internal (WCS) and external (i.e., parents) to a meeting. You can pick the way that works best for you! Option 1:…

ABC’s of Device Care

By Bridget Brown | October 2, 2023
I’m sure many of us have seen our fair share of sticky keypads, misplaced chargers, and cracked screens. Considering this, It’s important to help our students develop the skills necessary to be responsible users of their devices. Common Sense Education…

Technology Update #79

By Matt Lee | September 18, 2023
In this Issue In this issue, we’ll take a look at the many new resources available for you to be more productive with your technology. Tools include getting the most out of your iPad, an overview of iPadOS 17 and…

‘Hidden’ Feature of Magic Keyboard

By Matt Lee | September 5, 2023
One of the notable features of your iPad Pro is its modular nature and portability. The Magic Keyboard helps transform your iPad into a laptop-like device ready for productivity. However, sometimes it’s better to switch into tablet mode and be…

Focus Mode!

By Matt Lee | August 10, 2023
On iPad and iPhone, Focus Modes lets you stay in the moment when you need to concentrate, when you want to present, or when step away from your device.  When you set up a focus, you can customize settings on…

Getting Started With Notability 14

By Matt Lee | August 9, 2023
Notability is a great way to help blend the advantages of handwriting AND the ability of digital to keep things organized. Notability lets you and your students quickly organize notes, write on PDFS and even present lessons! It takes advantage…

Clever Teacher Checklist

By Bridget Brown | August 7, 2023
The new school year has begun and like in previous years Clever will be a powerful single sign-on tool to enable your students to access a host of digital tools like, Seesaw, IXL, HMH, and Wit and Wisdom, just to…