2022-23 Back To School Technology Opportunities

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year!

The technology integration department is happy to provide support, coaching and professional learning sessions to help get you ready for the school year. Please take a look at our offerings for Back to School 2022!

Formal Sessions

For the sessions on Aug. 11, please email Deanna Laux to register.

Aug. 1

All New Certified Staff (LEA1) Required Technology Day @ WCC Professional Learning Room. 8:30-11:30am

Presenters: Various

Welcome to Westside! Designed for all LEA 1 Certified staff, this introduction to Westside will feature everything you need to get started with technology in your classroom. We’ll cover how to get help when needed, how to use your iPad for productivity, creativity and classroom management, introduce you to Google Classroom and talk about how your iPad and Mac can work together.

Aug. 11

Getting Started with iPad for Teaching and Learning for Student Teachers 1:30-3:30pm @ WCC Garage Room

Presenter: Dr. Lee

Designed for our Fall 2022 Student teachers, this session will introduce you to the iPad as a tool for productivity and creativity. As your main device for the fall semester, we’ll talk about how you can use it in your classroom, along with tips and tricks to be the most productive!

Getting Started with Google Classroom K-12 1:00-2pm @ WCC PL Room (Main)

Presenter: Ms. Carlson

Whether you are brand new to Google Classroom or already mastered the basics, we will personalize this session is for you!

If newer, we will learn the foundational skills of class creation, setting co-teachers, assignment workflow, student feedback, and pros and cons for using the app vs. website.

More intermediate/advanced users can come discover ways you can utilize the features of a variety of additional Google tools to enhance and extend the Google Classroom experience for you and your students including features of Slides, Docs, and Jamboard that increase student engagement and productivity within Google Classroom.

Adobe Creative Cloud in the Classroom K-12 1:00-2pm @ WCC Technology Conference Room (Upstairs)

Presenter: Ms. Brown

With the rise of flipped, blended and online learning, students and teachers increasingly use video and online digital content as a core part of their learning resources. Digital media content constantly captures our attention as both a means of spreading information, and as an exciting medium for storytelling and presenting information in a visual, engaging way. In this session we will explore how visual storytelling can be used to communicate with impact, and teach your students to tell their own visual stories, or present new information in creative ways to get them engaged, motivated and inspired in any topic or discipline. Items to bring: iPad

Getting Started with Seesaw K-2 2:00-3pm @ WCC PL Room (Main)

Presenter: Ms. Carlson

Whether you are brand new to Seesaw or already mastered the basics, we will personalize this session is for you!

If newer, we will learn the foundational skills of class settings, student login options, sharing with parents, workflow of assigning and sharing activities, and exploring the activity library.

More intermediate/advanced users can come discover ways you can edit pre-made activities, upload to the activities library, folder creation, posting to the class blog and additional needs you may have.

Formative Assessment Tech Tools for Gathering Evidence of Learning K-12 2:00-3pm @ WCC Technology Conference Room (Upstairs)

Presenter: Ms. Brown

“Teachers who use, “Assessment FOR learning,” involve their students in ongoing self-assessment in ways that reveal to those learners (a) where they are headed in their learning, (b) where they are now in relation to those expectations, and (c) how each student can close the gap between the two.” – Rick Stiggins

Formative assessment is such an essential part of the learning process and student success, and many digital tools can help support this process. In this session we will explore a series of digital tools that are great for both summative and formative assessments.
Items to bring: iPad

Drop-In Help

No need to sign up! We’ll be out and about during the pre-opening time. Feel free to stop by and chat! We’re happy to help with any instructional technology issue, or talk about how you might incorporate tech tools into your classroom.

Aug. 9:

8:30am – 11:30am Virtual ‘Office Hours’ via Webex. On Aug 9th, we’ll update this with a Webex link. Hop on any time to ask questions or even just say ‘hi’!

Aug. 10:

12:15-3:30pm Westside High School Media Center

Aug 12:

8-11:30am Westbrook Elementary Media Center

12:30 – 3:30pm Westside Middle School Library

Aug. 15:

12:30 – 3:30pm Westbrook Elementary Media Center

Looking for more?

In addition to the formal sessions and drop-in ‘office hours’, we have a wide variety of asynchronous and on-demand resources.

Teachers.technology: This is our home on the web! Check out all

Help.westisde66.org: Have a tech support issue? Go here to submit a ticket. This should be used for things like printer issues, network connectivity, airplay, broken hardware and other ‘techy’ things.

Want to ‘build your own’ training? Complete this form and we’ll create a training for you and/or your team and PLC. https://forms.gle/k2X1nwf3xvkXNvzP9