In this Issue Welcome to the big 2-0! Westside Technology.Update is now 20 issues in! In this issue I will walk you through 5 great Mac tips that you may not have known about, answer a question over how enable…

Category: Newsletter (page 8)
Technology Update #19
In this Issue Welcome to issue 19! In this issue we take a look at the role of technology in questioning, explore how to use the districts new data warehouse system, Illuminate and I share a few tips and tricks…
Technology Update #18
In this Issue In this issue we discuss how to extend the capabilities of Google Classroom, explore new applications and websites, review a few features of Keynote that you might not be aware of and more! Thought of the week…
Technology Update #17
In this Issue Welcome to issue 17! In this issue, we take a look at ways to stay organized on your Mac, learn about a new website you can use to help students find the web services you use and…
Technology Update #16
In this Issue What’s new and the same in technology for 2017-18? This issue will walk you though new features for your MacBook Air and iPad, highlight new software and services that are available and you will learn a great…
Technology Update #15: New Staff Essentials 2018
New Staff Tech Essentials Welcome to Westside! This email may be a bit long, but contains everything you need to know to get started with district technology and services. The first portion applies to ALL new staff members. The second…
Technology Update #14
In this Issue In this, the last technology update email of the semester, we cover just 1 topic: the 2017 refresh! Throughout the past couple of weeks we’ve sent out MANY emails pertaining to specific parts of the technology refresh.…
Technology Update #13
In this issue In this issue, lucky #13, we take a look at secondary eMerge and spend some time learning from our colleagues’s experiences at NETA 2017. Secondary eMerge When we expanded Westside’s 1:1 program to the elementary grades two…
Technology Update #12
In this Issue In this first, post-spring break issue, we take a look at creating and sharing ePub’s on the iPad, talk about the expansion of eMerge into the middle and high school, look at how to save documents as…
Technology Update #11
In this Issue In this first, post-spring break issue, we take a look at creating and sharing ePub’s on the iPad, talk about the expansion of eMerge into the middle and high school, look at how to save documents as…