We are all aware that not all screen time is created equally. There are plenty of opportunities for kids to “veg out” online these days, but when it comes to resourceful and fun learning websites, those seem to be a…

Author: Bridget Brown (page 5)
Book Creator & Adobe Spark: A Powerful App-Smash
Book Creator has made quite a name for itself amongst educators with its simple yet powerful interface to allow even the youngest of students to make, read, and share their own digital stories, poetry books, and journals just to name…
Tracing Letters in Explain Everything
Many of you have already discovered the Magic of Explain Everything, and have found some amazing ways to utilize this digital screencasting whiteboard on the iPad. In keeping with this same magic, Explain Everything has undergone a bit of reconstruction…
Mailing Lists in Gmail
Being able to communicate with specific groups of people can be vital, whether you’re working on a group project, or just need to share vital information with a large group of people. But often email can prove to be a…
iPad Accessibility
iPad Accessibility iOS devices such as the iPad come with assistive features that have changed the learning landscape for students with special needs. These innovative technologies allow every student to experience the fun and function of iOS.The iPad accessibility settings…
Cold Weather Computer Care Tips
With winter fast approaching we would like to give you some tips on taking care of your device! 1. Careful Storage: Never leave a laptop, even in a well-padded and insulated laptop case in your vehicle for more then an hour in cold…
Socrative – Importing Quizzes
You already know Socrative for its awesome ability to deliver polls and real time assessments, but did you also know Socrative offers a great collaboration feature allowing these quizzes to be shared. The following handout provides instructions on how to use Socratives…
Google Email – Reply/ Reply All/ Quoted Text
Responding to Emails Often times you will be replying to an email message that someone else sends you, rather than composing a brand-new message. When you hit reply, the recipient’s email address will automatically appear in the To: field. Additionally,…
Lets Get Flippity
Want to make that review for an Exam more exciting and less stressful for students? By combining the power of Google Spreadsheets and a powerful app called Flippity, you can build a Game Show like Review that is certain to…
Google Custom Search Engine
As an Educator you understand the challenges students often face to determine relevance and validity of sources when attempting to conduct research, especially online. Google Custom Search is a tool which can be used to make this experience a little less…