What is eMerge?

  Members of a eMerge team will be teachers who have a desire to learn and a willingness to implement new instructional strategies while using technology in their classrooms. These early adopters of technology should have experience with running a…

Reflections from NETA 2015

Biggest. NETA. Ever. Wow. Isn’t it amazing how NETA has grown? In my first year teaching I attended NETA. Back then it was held at the Holiday Inn convention center on 72nd street. The next year it was moved to…

Our Best Technology Bytes

On January 19, 2015 staff from Westside Middle School and Westside High School gathered to share their ‘One Best Byte’. These technology based instructional examples have been intentionally placed into random order so that you can serendipitously browse a variety…

Reflection from NETA 2014

One of my goals this year was to help people across the district share the great things they are doing with technology. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the ‘Close Encounters’ section on Area66 you should! Seeing what your peers do in their classroom is a great way to find new ideas for your own.

Sometimes though, it helps to widen the group you talk with. The NETA conference provides just such an opportunity. Held in Omaha, it features over 2,000 educators who share new and innovative uses of technology in the classroom. Going to the conference and getting ideas for one’s own class is only half of the value of attendance. The other half is coming back and sharing with others.

In that spirit, I’ve complied the ideas and reflections of several staff members into the attached PDF. Take a moment and skim through it. Read about how a 4 year old laughs 300 times a day, but the average 40 year old laughs only 4. Read about who to follow on Twitter. Read about new websites to try with your students. Read about how to integrate iPads into your curriculum. Read about much more too!StaffNETA