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Westside teachers earn Apple and Google certifications!

Apple Teachers are recognized for their understanding of how to use Apple products for teaching and learning. They have proven knowledge of using iPad, Mac, and built-in apps to enhance productivity and inspire creativity in their classrooms and beyond.

Google Certified Level 1 Educators are those that have learned the fundamentals of using Google tools in the classroom. Level 1 validates standard technology implementation skills.

Learn more here!


Announcing Teachers in Technology! Westside’s technology professional learning program for teachers, by teachers.

Teachers in technology, or TNT for short, is a teacher facilitated program that works to improve how staff use technology in their classroom. Launching in the Spring of 2022, the first cohort of teachers will participate in the program in fall, 2022.

For more information, including how to apply to be a team member or in the cohort, click the link below.

TNT Information.

What is eMerge?

By Matt Lee | August 4, 2015
  Members of a eMerge team will be teachers who have a desire to learn and a willingness to implement new instructional strategies while using technology in their classrooms. These early adopters of technology should have experience with running a…

Reflections from NETA 2015

By Matt Lee | May 6, 2015
Biggest. NETA. Ever. Wow. Isn’t it amazing how NETA has grown? In my first year teaching I attended NETA. Back then it was held at the Holiday Inn convention center on 72nd street. The next year it was moved to…

Socrative – Importing Quizzes

By Bridget Brown | March 20, 2015
You already know Socrative for its awesome ability to deliver polls and real time assessments, but did you also know Socrative offers a great collaboration feature allowing these quizzes to be shared. The following handout provides instructions on how to use Socratives…

Apple Pages vs Google Docs on the iPad

By Matt Lee | February 6, 2015
A question that frequently comes up from iPad users is which app is better for creating text-based documents – Pages or Google Docs. The answer is both. Each app has its unique strengths. The video below will walk you through…

Our Best Technology Bytes

By Matt Lee | February 4, 2015
On January 19, 2015 staff from Westside Middle School and Westside High School gathered to share their ‘One Best Byte’. These technology based instructional examples have been intentionally placed into random order so that you can serendipitously browse a variety…

Google Email – Reply/ Reply All/ Quoted Text

By Bridget Brown | February 3, 2015
Responding to Emails Often times you will be replying to an email message that someone else sends you, rather than composing a brand-new message. When you hit reply, the recipient’s email address will automatically appear in the To: field.  Additionally,…

Lets Get Flippity

By Bridget Brown | January 26, 2015
Want to make that review for an Exam more exciting and less stressful for students? By combining the power of Google Spreadsheets and a powerful app called Flippity, you can build a Game Show like Review that is certain to…

Introduction to Google Classroom

By Matt Lee | January 19, 2015
Originally presented on January 19th by Jeff Ingraham. Google classroom is a great tool available to teachers K-12. Below, check out the presentation that Jeff gave to Westside staff.

Top Tips for Digital Classroom Management

By Matt Lee | January 19, 2015
Originally presented on Jan. 19th 2015. Here are a few ‘Quick Tips’ for digital classroom management. And if you would like to listen to the presentation, check out the YouTube video below:

Google Custom Search Engine

By Bridget Brown | January 9, 2015
As an Educator you understand the challenges students often face to determine relevance and validity of sources when attempting to conduct research, especially online. Google Custom Search is a tool which can be used to make this experience a little less…