In this Issue It’s the end of October and there is a chill in the air. Here’s a short, spooky update on the new features available in iPadOS 17.2 and macOS Sonoma. We encourage all staff to update their devices!…

Category: Newsletter (page 2)
Technology Update #79
In this Issue In this issue, we’ll take a look at the many new resources available for you to be more productive with your technology. Tools include getting the most out of your iPad, an overview of iPadOS 17 and…
Technology.Update #78
New Staff Tech Essentials 2023-2024 Welcome to Westside! This email may be a bit long, but contains everything you need to know to get started with district technology and services. District Intranet The district Intranet is a shared Google file…
Technology Update #77
Reflections from NETA 2023 Matt LeeRefuel, reconnect, and relaunch. The NETA board delivered on the 2023 conference theme with a well-rounded speaker lineup and many opportunities to interact with peers from around Nebraska and the midwest. Westside teachers had the…
Technology Update #76
In this Issue It’s hard to believe we’re almost 3/4 of the way through the 2022-23 school year! In this issue, we’ll look at a new tool (Freeform) and review a couple of great resources available to Westside students and…
Technology Update #75
In this Issue New Year, New Tools! With the start of the new year comes new beginnings. New students, courses, and of course, new tech tools! Before we jump into the new things, let’s take a quick look at the…
Technology Update #74
In this Issue Welcome to the last issue of 2022! In this issue, we’ll take a look at new features added to many popular apps and services and new ways to use them. First, let’s take a look at Apple…
Technology.Update #73
In this Issue Welcome to issue number 73 of technology.update! In this issue, we take a look at a new resource available for staff and students – Grammarly! We’ll also take a look at how to use Safari Tab Groups…
Technology.Update #72
In this Issue Welcome to Technology.Update #72! In this issue you’ll learn all about a new resource from Apple – the Apple Education Community! We’ll also take a look at how to manage calendars on your phone, use SignUp Genius…
Technology.Update #71: Back to School 2022-23
In this Issue Welcome Back to School! I hope everyone had a great summer and you’ve returned recharged and ready to go! This email is a bit long, and please take a moment to look through these important updates. Back…